I See Mountains, instant black-and-white film, 2013 – ©eLisa Pancratz
Curriculum Vitae
The artist eLisa Pancratz, born in Northern Germany, initially studies fine arts at the Carl-von-Ossietzky University in Oldenburg, Lower Saxony, Germany.
Subsequently she begins to study “visual communication” at the University of Applied Sciences in Bielefeld, Germany and completes her course in 2004 with a University diploma.
Since 2010 eLisa Pancratz and her husband move to their current home close to Biel/Bienne. She works as a self-employed artist in the areas of photography, drawing, painting, concept and object.
Exhibitions and presentations [Selected examples]_
2006 — 2009_
Participation in the annual “Open artist workshops, Bielefeld” as a member of the “Offene Ateliers Bielefeld e.V.” [“Open artist workshops”] association and participation in the “Vorschau” [“preview”] at “Berliner Bahnhof” as part of the “Bielefelder Nachtansichten” [“Bielefeld night views”].
03 December 2006 — 05 January 2007_
“Cats and Cowboys” at the “BAUSTELLE eins”, Arnoldstrasse 1, 20765 Hamburg / Germany
BAUSTELLE eins in Hamburg, 2006/2007 – ©eLisa Pancratz
04 November 2007 — 13 January 2008_
‟zeitgleich-kreativ-vernetzt” [‟simultaneous-creative-networked”] – mail designed by artists from Eastern-Westphalia-Lippe, exhibited in the museum MARTa-Herford / Germany [Group exhibition]
5 — 20 August 2011_
“Konvergenzen – convergences” at “Alten Krone” in Biel/Bienne
Alte Krone in Biel/Bienne, 2011 – ©eLisa Pancratz
15 Dezember 2012_
“querbeet – à travers champ” – Inauguration of the “gartenhausatelier” in Ipsach as a workspace and presentation platform
8 May — 9 June 2013_
Participation in the “Cantine Mobile” ’s campaign “touche à touche” at “Alte Krone” in Biel/Bienne during the annual project “Au joli mois de mai” of “visarte Biel/Bienne”